A strong memory of my dad right now is when he would print out job descriptions from the internet and give them to me when I visited, even though I already had a job. There was a definite sweet about this.
I’m starting to learn something tricky about the word yes.
I say it a lot.
Sometimes, this a good thing. I say yes to the adventure that is my life. I say yes to a chili cheese dog with french fries. I say yes to giving my body the time and space it needs to meditate when there’s a lot going on.
Below is a guest post by Melissa Field, on building a toolbox for your anxiety. I love this idea, because anxiety affects so many people, and it’s wonderful to have a go-to toolbox full of tools for when you feel anxiety coming on!
I recently began digging into why I have a deeply rooted fear of success. After a lot of journal writing, I discovered it came down to one thing: I equated success with being overwhelmed.
*The following is a guest post by Deanna Shanti
I used to hate my job. I really HATED my job.
In fact, I guess I hated it so much that one day, after walking into a little metaphysical store that I sometimes stop by at, just to feel the peace and smell the wonderful incense ‘flavors’ and candles (including the prerequisite “Chakra” and “Keep Your Lover” candles), I must have been complaining about my job, because the clerk of the shop said, “Well, what do you want to do?” with a big smile on her face.
Hey Monique, what’s all this talk about God?
I feel like I come off as a little cooky-wacky sometimes in my blog posts. I know a lot of my friends who I don’t talk to that often read my blog posts, and I can only imagine their faces when they read all of my talk on God, the angels, and loving affirmations.