I’ve already written the post I’m going to publish tomorrow, when it’s one day until I turn thirty.
Aside from today’s post, there’s only one more post I have to write (the day of my actual birthday).
This must be what Cinderella felt like the day after the ball. She must have woken up at dawn, looked outside of her shabby cubby hole and up at the castle she’d just left, wide awake and still dreaming of the night before.
Today’s the big day. I’m holding a gathering for my parents and Adam’s parents to meet for the very first time. This is thirty, everyone. His parents are meeting her parents. We are so adult now, you wouldn’t be able to tell us a part from an entire room full of them.
It’s official. I am one week away from turning 30. Wow. What a journey. What a trek! Do you ever sit back and look around at your life and think…how did I get here? How did I go from infancy to grown ass adult, making assumptions about the world and experiencing every morsel with wonder and at the same time, unease?
Have you ever used your hobbies and side projects to make yourself feel better?
When I was little, my sister’s friend was really mean to me when we were at acting camp. I think she said something to the effect of “you have no friends”, which was true at the time because we were at camp and I hadn’t really made friends, but it still hurt.
There are certain celebrities we love to hate.
Up until about a year ago, I really couldn’t stand Taylor Swift. Why? No idea. It was almost like it was just easier to not like her, because she was popular and everyone loved her songs.
When you picture God behind sounds that disturb you, they become a lot sweeter.
Like the alarm clock for instance. I think I set that thing to snooze at least 3 times the other day, not wanting to move out of bed and simultaneously wanting to slam it with a sledgehammer. But then I pictured God behind the obnoxious beeping, and it turned into a gentle insistence that it was time to get up.
Someone shared an article the other day on how people in their twenties today seem to think this is their ‘downtime’.
30 is not the new 20, it read. In your twenties, you should be focusing on who you want to marry, what career you want, expanding your inner circles, and doing things outside your comfort zone.