June 27, 2014



I read so much interesting shit this week I’m literally bursting at the seams to share it with you. (See proper use of the word ‘literally’ here).


It’s FRIDAY ya’ll! In addition to the beautiful every day that was this week, (dress shopping, working out, drinking wine, watching a bit of soccer, carpooling with my awesome Portuguese coworker, and constantly acting like a straight up giggly five year old with the BF), I am so looking forward to the weekend because I’m going to my boss’s wedding out in San Diego. AKA I’m going to an open bar to get sloshed. But seriously, it’s not very often that you get all dressed up to have a rompin good time dancing, drinking, and celebrating, so for that I am extremely grateful and absolutely giddy with excitement. And it’s at a casino! Which is even better because we can keep the party going to the pre-dawn hours and sleep at the hotel afterwards.


June 20, 2014


 This blog photo made lovingly with PicMonkey

I woke up this morning thinking…shareables! YES!


Subconsciously I’m always thinking of ways to better this blog, and sometimes in the mornings I just wake up with these little ideas that I get excited over. When I pound my head into the ground trying to think of ideas they never come. But after I sleep on them? Boom! Shareables.