June 20, 2014


 This blog photo made lovingly with PicMonkey

I woke up this morning thinking…shareables! YES!


Subconsciously I’m always thinking of ways to better this blog, and sometimes in the mornings I just wake up with these little ideas that I get excited over. When I pound my head into the ground trying to think of ideas they never come. But after I sleep on them? Boom! Shareables.



Ok so what are shareables. The internet is now a great big share-nado of things  (not to be confused with Sharknado) and a lot of people dedicate their entire internet careers on writing and creating things that get shared. So I figured I’d contribute. I find a ton of cool shit on the net but I don’t really think to share it all the time, and I should be!


So that being said, let’s do this thing for a bit where every Friday I post weekly shareables in the form of pictures, videos, and articles, and you can share them if you find them interesting. Capisce? 


(Note, you can easily pin pictures below by hovering your mouse over them.)


Here we go!




How to Earn Traffic Without Selling Your Soul



Publish Your Blog Post Without SEO, and 1000’s of Visits Will Be Forever Lost



Attention is a Gift You Give to Your Work



5 Contract Terms That Will Keep You Safe as a Freelancer



How to Stop Facebook From Using Your Browsing History





Milton Glaser: Certainty Is A Closing Of The Mind





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Photo credit: Charleston Class


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Photo credit: blogs.kqed.org

Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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