November 30, 2014


(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means if you click on one of the links below, I may receive a small percentage of the sale.)

Hi friends! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, I know I’ll be eating leftovers for another week, and I’m so, so, so thankful for all of the wonderful family and friends I got to spend the holiday with.

Now for the fun stuff. Black friday was amazing. I bought a lot of Christmas presents for super cheap at 11:30pm online and I’m super glad about it.

But what we’re all really looking forward to is Cyber Monday. Or at least I am. Because online shopping is the way to go this year for me (and really should have been for every year before this).


What a week! I was over the moon, frustrated, achy, ecstatic, excited, nervous, relaxed, and tired. I felt the full range of human emotions all in a single week, as I’m sure most of you do, and I’m learning to really enjoy it. I love feeling things and things love feeling me (that may have sounded weird but let’s run with it. Meditation has taught me a lot).

September 11, 2014


(Shareables at the bottom of this post if you’re in a hurry!)

I’ve been bitten. And this bug is powerful. The effect is like a drug no one realizes they should be taking. It’s so powerfully free, and grossly habit forming. I was in the shower the other morning thinking, does everyone not realize they have the power to feel this good?


(Shareables at the bottom of this post if you’re in a hurry)

I was born a fried food lover and a microwave oven slow cooker. Up until earlier this week, I didn’t know how to mince garlic. I couldn’t tell a jicama from a sweet potato. I didn’t even know how to cut an avocado. I’d never bought anything more than frozen meals and vegetables my whole adult life, and a spatula in my hand was about as foreign to me as a welding tool.

So believe me when I say, friends: if I can cook, anyone can cook. I mean anyone.

Screen Shot 2014-08-08 at 1.39.54 AM

The ocean is loud tonight. The waves are crashing so hard, you’d think a tidal wave was approaching if you weren’t discerning enough. I’m writing this around 1am-ish. I had a few margaritas last night, and I ended up crashing out around 930pm and waking up around now, 1am-ish. Also I had a nightmare. So I put my contacts in, turned on the TV, and opened up my laptop.

July 25, 2014

eyelash pots

I’ll keep this quick. This week has been all over the place crazy. I had pizza four times. I found God again. And I’m wonderfully horrible at that free driving game that comes with Xbox One.

So this Friday’s shareables are going to be short and sweet! All in all I hope this week for you was better than last, and that you take this weekend one beautiful minute at a time. SUMMER is upon us! And it tastes so sweet.



I decided to break up the shareables this week so they’re easier to digest than a bunch of random links. For instance, I lumped the dancing korean baby in the ‘fun & interesting’ section. That one really brightened my day. Let me know if this makes things a bit easier.


And one last thing before you go…do you watch Game of Thrones? I just started and…let’s just say my hours of sleep have been diminished tenfold, and I’ve been using phrases like ‘my lord’ and ‘the gods’ far more than I should for a person in this century.


July 4, 2014

FourthofJuly2014 Blog Post


It’s America’s birthday, so let’s lead with a little quote from president James Buchanan.


“The test of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there.”


It’s also my blog’s birthday, (she turned 3 last weekend)  so let’s continue with a little quote about courage from A Novel Quest’s very first blog post.