November 15, 2013

Laura Jayne_Blog Pic


I’m very please to announce that the winner of A Novel Quest’s very first giveaway is….


Laura Jayne Johnson!


None other than one of my closest, long-time friends. Woo hoo! Thank you so much for participating, Lau! Congratulations!


I’m also pretty happy with how simple Promo Simple made this giveaway. I was a bit concerned about official contest rules and making sure that I was complying with the FTC and what not, but they made everything super easy to set up. I’m going to try and get another one going for December! Maybe something Christmas related. Who knows. Thank you to everyone who participated! All of your entries made me very, very happy :) And I’m so thankful you took the time to participate!


In other news, today is Friday (for most of you), which means (for some of you) that it’s payday, which means (for me only probably) that a blog re-design is in order! I’ve been waiting like a patient little lamb (?) these past couple weeks, and the time to decorate has finally come. As soon as I’m done polishing off this post, my ass is headed straight to Etsy to purchase a brand new look. And after I’m done purchasing that brand new look, I’m off to buy me a fancy meal, and by that I mean I’m walking over to Five Guys to sink my teeth into a delicious monster of a burger, and then hopefully watching episode after episode of Dexter (I just found out it’s on Netflix. You probably won’t hear from me for some time).


The boyfriend is at a Laker game tonight (lucky duck), leaving me to parade around in my comfys with nothing but saturated fat and half a bottle of wine. But it’s probably a good thing. In addition to staying up for the next 6 hours watching Dexter, I have a TON of writing and reading to do, and I’m putting together a Mursa Pie video of the entire year as well, so I should probably work a bit on that too. I already know it’s going to be the craziest video I’ve made yet. I’m experimenting with all kinds of audio and snippets from all of the crazy shit I record. It’s going to be an eventful night.


What are you up to tonight? This weekend? Any plans to go sky diving, binge drinking, or Christmas shopping? (All of the above, perhaps?) Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you, tomorrow I’m also going to be featuring a post by a fabulous writer/blogger I recently connected with named Melissa Field. She’s writing about writing (my favorite subject), and she’s got a great blog called Crossing Oceans, where she literally writes about nothing but feel-good stuff. Healing, spiritual awakening, writing, self-esteem…the entire gamut of feel-good. The other night when she reached out to me I was totally absorbed in her blog posts because they just made me feel better. I arranged a guest post for her here on the blog for tomorrow (my first guest poster!), and I hope you’ll take a peek. If you love writing as much as I do, you’ll definitely enjoy it. Also, if you’ve got some free time, I featured another wonderful blogger (I know right?) on last night’s Passion Series. Her name is Nona. She writes short and sweet posts and she loves Starbucks (now we have an instant bond). You can check out her feature here, and her great blog here.


Alright you crazy kids, I’m out for the night. Gonna go purchase that awesome blog design and pray that it’s a smooth transition. Also, that fried food smell is literally calling out my full name. Have a wonderful night!

Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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  • Joe

    Love the new look of the blog, Monique! I was totally unaware you could purchase new blog designs on Etsy. That’s something I’m going to have to keep in mind. Have fun with your Dexter marathon and your half bottle of wine though. Doesn’t sound unlike an excellent weekend that I would have on my own as well. :)

    • Monique Muro

      Thank you so much Joe! You are the first person to comment on it haha. I just finished a blog post on it so I could share it. I’ve always been so hesitant to get it done by a professional, but using Etsy made it so painfully easy! Definitely check it out, and thanks for stopping by! :)