November 13, 2013



This post is part of a weekly feature called the Passion Series…enjoy!


Nona Snyder is a sweetheart. I connected with her earlier this year when she reached out to me about my Passion Series, and she’s been a frequent visitor here on the blog ever since.


Her blog is all about personal growth, which I love. Her posts are never not filled with perspective, and opinions on the current state of affairs in politics. She also sometimes will write about what it’s like to have lost her father, as well as care for elderly parents. I definitely can relate to having lost a father, and I love reading what she has to say in that regard, because it makes me feel less alone.


Also, her posts are mostly short and sweet, something I’ve never been able to accomplish, and which I think is great for the limited attention-span of the world that comprises the internet. She’s a super frequent blogger, and you can see through her writing that it is a wonderfully positive outlet for her, as it is for myself, and thousands of bloggers everywhere probably. I am so happy to introduce you to her blog tonight, and showcase some of her work.


Here’s what she had to say.


Has blogging helped you in any emotional or creative way?    

Blogging has been an amazing release for me. My life is in transition right now…blogging has helped ease my anxieties in sharing my thoughts and concerns and blessed to receive positive feedback.


Has blogging daily/weekly helped you achieve any personal goals?    

Personal goals have been achieved through blogging. It has given me the confidence to seek or start my own support groups for caregivers… has also reinforced my own confidence in life. I’ve found through blogging, I’m not alone and we seek and receive support through the blog world.


Does the ritual of daily/weekly blogging give you motivation to pursue things you are passionate about?   

I find blogging has enabled me to be less inhibited with personal desires…..I have a passion for news and helping others achieve their own goals. I’m now going to go back to school for a degree in mediation/negotiation as I embark on a new phase in my life.



This post is part of a series on bloggers who have found direction or passion through blogging. If you would like to be featured in the Passion Series, please contact me through this form with responses to the above questions, and share your passions. Thanks! See all Passion Series posts >>


Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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