December 6, 2014

Holiday Collage Gift Guide Final

(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means if you click on one of the links below, I may receive a small percentage of the sale. Your support keeps A Novel Quest growing, thanks for visiting and happy holiday shopping!)

The very first holiday gift guide for writers and bloggers on A Novel Quest has arrived! I’m so proud of it I could sneeze. How little sense did that make?

I spent about two full days working on this over the Thanksgiving break, watching countless Photoshop tutorials on how to make this layout look as pretty as possible. I took a few notes from other holiday guides I’d seen on the net, and I knew exactly the kind of look I was going for.

So here’s the gist: I’m drinking egg nog and rum and I have the Christmas music WAY up. You won’t even know what to do with all of this good cheer.

But here’s the real gist: This Holiday Guide is basically an aggregation of a bunch of totally cool stuff that would be totally fitting for writers, readers, and bloggers like you and me. And anyone else who loves working on their laptops in general.

With all that being said, here are my descriptions of all of the cutesy things above and where you can find them. Enjoy your perusal and let me know if you end up getting any of these goodies!

1. Kate Spade Laptop Case

I’ve been obsessing over anything and everything Kate Spade lately, ever since I saw this Kate Spade 2015 Agenda. I love the polka dots!

 2. Out of Print Clothing – Great Gatsby Tee

Out of Print clothing sells clothing and accessories in the fashion of iconic and out-of-print book covers. How cool is that? The book cover may be gone forever, but you can still wear it on your chest with pride. I particularly love this Great Gatsby t-shirt and the Call of the Wild by Jack London sweatshirt.

3. Calendar and Monthly/Daily Checklists

These are my favorite. Even though I plan to check out the Erin Condren planners for 2015, I really have been in dire need of a huge calendar, and little daily/weekly checklists to keep track of all of my projects. They look pretty simple, but sometimes simple is all you need.

4. Blu Ice Microphone

A bunch of people have these at my work, (except the huge kind) and I so want one. They’re great microphones with terrific sound quality for podcasts or just talking to people via Skype. I’ve heard my boss on the phone through one of these and it just sounds SO good. Definitely a good investment if you’re into podcasting or if you use Skype to make calls frequently.

5. Portable Charger

This would make an excellent gift for literally anyone with a mobile phone, which is literally everyone. I want one. I’m constantly leaving the house with 11% battery life and it’s kind of a damn shame. If I had this to walk around with, it might not be so earth shattering whenever the “Under 10% battery life remaining” notification comes on my screen.

6. Lap Desk

If you’re anything like me, sometimes you don’t feel like working at your desk. Sometimes you feel like blogging in bed or on the couch, and you prop up a bunch of pillows because it’s the only way to sit with your laptop comfortably. A laptop desk I think would be the perfect solution for this.

7. Classic Books Thumbdrive

This little thumb drive has 3,000 books on it. 3,000! I wish I had the space for 3,000 books, but I think Adam would kill me. This would be great to plug into a table that has a USB portal, and just read forever. I think some of your reader friends and relatives would enjoy it.

 8. Writer’s Remedy

Magnetic poetry for writer’s block. The label says it may be habit forming, and I can only assume that’s correct given the fact that I just looked it up on Amazon and it’s currently out of stock. I did find it at a place called BYU Bookstore here, so try there if your’e interested! As a writer, I would totally appreciate something like this. There’s nothing like seeing words in nonsensical order to help you make perfect sense of something.

 9. Personalized Stationery

If you haven’t noticed already by the items in this gift guide, I’m planning for a rather artistic and creative new year. I’m getting really into stationery and brush pens and art. It’s crazy how blogging gets you so mega creative! At any rate, Minted has so much amazing personalized stationery to make you look fancy, it will make your head spin. Check ’em out!

10. Blog Design for Dummies

If you’re more of a ‘let’s roll up our sleeves and do this’ kind of person versus a ‘let’s hire someone’ kind of person when it comes to blog design, this book is for you. I’m really into blog design lately, and I’m kind of learning as I go, but I’d be interested in actually being hand-led through the process. This would be a great gift for that friend you have who totally loves blogging but you’re not sure what to get her/him.

11. Patterned Poketo Pens

Who doesn’t love patterned pens? I’ll admit I want these just because they look pretty.

 12. Subscription to Lynda

Ah the gift of learning! Lynda is an online learning hub, where you can learn just about anything business/tech/computer related for one cheap monthly fee. I wrote about how many Lynda classes I wanted to take a few months ago, and have taken their class on keywords before. The lessons are extremely helpful and in depth. If you want to give a gift this year without wrapping or shipping anything, give the gift of Lynda.

13. Beats by Dre Pink Headphones

Every writer/blogger needs a good set of headphones to block out the noise. Because let’s face it, we’re not always going to have a quiet space to work. I used to have a great pair of Sony sound-blocking headphones, but they broke, so now I’m fixing to maybe get something more stylish. These ones aren’t as expensive as some of the other ones, which is why I added it to the list. Also, it’s pink.

Hope you guys enjoyed the guide! Are there any other guides you’re currently swooning over? I’d love to see what other stuff people are aggregating, I’m not quite done spending money yet :)

Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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  • OklahomaJamie

    Very neat blog post! I’ve seen lots of posts on Christmas lists for men, or women, or kids, etc, but not one for a blogger!

    • Monique Muro

      Thanks Jamie! This one was a lot of fun to put together :) Hope you got some good ideas for things you want for Christmas too! :)

  • Akaleistar

    Clever gift ideas! Writer’s Remedy looks fun :)

    • Monique Muro

      Thanks! Yeah, I could use a writer’s remedy always haha :) thanks for stopping by!

  • Tanea

    Great ideas! There are so many cute ideas out there now for gifts.

    • Monique Muro

      I know right? I can’t get enough! :) Thanks for stopping by Tanea!!

  • Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom

    I love your holiday gift guide!

    I have got to get that Blog Design for Dummies book – that would be super helpful!

    Thanks for sharing.

  • Kirsten

    I love the writer’s remedy idea. My kids have something like this, off to look for it now…Happy holidays!