January 20, 2013


Or the roses, perhaps.


The world, as you know, circles on, and the people in it circle with it.


A few things of note; one, I’m taking an HTML & CSS class that’s teaching me a ton. Now that I’m finished with my business school applications, I’m left to do with my free time as I please. Of course, next week will be solely dedicated to prepping for my UCLA interview (next Saturday, 1/26, 10:30am). It’s always some random thing, isn’t it?


But back to the class. It’ s cool! I found it via Skillshare, an amazing website (one of many) which allows you to take online classes for cheap ($20 or less), and participate in a few workshops and such for free. I’m fairly behind in the course, with work and working out this flabby bod and all, but it’s a ‘learn at your own pace’ kind of class, and I can watch as many of the video lectures as I want, whenever I want, wherever I want, and however I want–meaning I watch a little bit, notate a little, get a snack, and repeat.


Second thing of note! Through the wonderful resource that is HARO, my blog + my outrageous passion for blogging is going to be featured as a case study in an upcoming book about SEO and blogging by Jackie Bourke. The specifics of the book, I’m not sure of. I don’t know when it will be released, or whether it will be in e-book format or in the form of an actual book (only time will tell), but either way, Ms. Bourke said she loved the way I express myself, and sent me a few questions to answer about the blog to be used as a case study. Kinda cool!


In other news, THREE DAY WEEKEND. I saw Django Unchained last night (bloody, but good–Inglorious Basterds was better–DiCaprio was a delicious villain) and also lost my debit card. It all started with the life-size bowling pin below.



Before the movie Bailey and I went to Lucky Strike because said fine bowling pin coaxed us in with $2 well drink specials. Somehow, when I went to order us a second round of drinks and signed my tab…my debit card got lost. You like the way I said that? Placing the blame on the debit card? Bailey says I can’t be left alone.


This morning I took a couple of friends out for helping me out with a video project for my business school applications. We went for mimosas at Cabo Cantina, and holy shit was it a beautiful day. Not to mention, a beautiful view.



Afterwards I came home, napped out from the mimosas, did some laundry, and wrote an article on Examiner about this picture book that’s going to be released in February as a kind of visual companion to that horribly depressing and delightful novel Angela’s Ashes. You’ve heard of it?


So now I’m going to go sweat myself into a puddle with this Insanity workout before stuffing my face later tonight with booze and sushi. HAPPY THREE DAY WEEKEND! God bless the media covering the inauguration this Monday and of course, good ole’ MLK.


Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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