January 16, 2012

412216_10150592463190941_34575060940_11348238_1881175664_oI sat in traffic for an hour to get on the “List ‘O’ Awesome” at the open mic poetry reading last Thursday, and even after I signed up I was 100% sure I’d back out. Watching the video of me that night, I realized I could never be a public speaker because I really do sort of cringe at the sound of my own voice. In other news, I had a beautiful experience.

Something marvelous happened, and when something marvelous happens it only happens when you’re not expecting it, which I certainly was not. I was on my third glass of wine because I needed liquid encouragement. I was giggling and whispering with Melody because we were nervous school girls. A woman went up because it was her turn to speak her piece, and the room got silent. I was only half paying attention at first because Melody and I were giving each other queasy looks–it was almost our time to shine. The woman at the microphone then mentioned that she had been scouring the invite for the open mic poetry night on Facebook, perusing the list of names that were attending. Somehow, by the power of God or one of his fallen, she found this blog–this one here. The one your reading now. Mine. Not only did she find it however, she printed out a passage from my last post and read it to the entire audience. It was the first time I had ever heard anyone read my writing aloud. I felt like a proud mother watching her child win a spelling bee.

I teared up, but the wine could have had a hand in that. I had never been so moved in my life. I felt like cherry pie. When I went up to recite my midget-sized poems, I told the audience that I was the blogger this wonderful woman had spoken about, and how appreciative I was that my midnight rambles had moved her to share them with the crowd. Then I said my bit, and I wasn’t the least bit nervous. Thank you lady chardonnay.

Afterwards, Melody and I hung out for a drink and I actually got to meet the woman who read my writing aloud. I think I was more a fan of her than she was of my writing. I wanted to kneel at her feet and tell her that all I want out of life is for people to feel uplifted, the way I do after I write. It was the first time I ever felt like I could exhale and say…there. I did it. 

I don’t ever want that feeling to go away.

Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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  • Lynne Muro

    Wonderful doll… just wonderful!