January 28, 2013

You’d think an eventful blog post would happen tonight because I’ve had my business school interview plus a full weekend to myself after about a year of business school admissions processes. This weekend, however, I’m not ashamed to say, was not eventful. It kind of sucked.

Don’t mistake me. Life is beautiful, but I won’t ignore the ugly parts. Perhaps that’s what makes it so beautiful to begin with.

I don’t want to talk about my business school interview, because then I’d have to relive it, and I don’t ever, ever want to relive it. After it was over I crawled into bed for two hours tossing and turning, not sure how to feel. I wasn’t tired, but exhausted. I couldn’t sleep, but I didn’t want to move ever again. I ended up getting up later to eat some grapes, drink a glass of wine, and read. After about 2 hours of that, I watched about 4 hours of Weeds, ate Subway, and went to my cousin’s birthday party. It ended around 430am, so this morning I was out of it.

On the whole though, I must say I have had quite the beautiful Sunday. I’m not feeling so great emotionally but I have done nothing but read and relaxed today. This morning after I got my coffee, I drove straight to the beach without reason. I pulled over on PCH, stared at the waves, and watched the planes intersect with contrails in the sky. The birds let the wind carry them over the sea, and the sun sat idly through it all. It was peaceful, and it warmed me.

When I got home I read for a few minutes before dosing off again till about 245pm. When I woke, I straightened up my room, showered, and read some more. For the words I didn’t understand in the book I’m reading (i.e. aegis, valence), I looked them up in the actual dictionary rather than online or on my phone. It felt so nice to run my fingers over the pages, and see all the words bunched together before me. I dove my nose into the smell. And the heaviness of that dictionary matched the heaviness in my heart, leaving me feeling balanced.

Tonight I’m going to go see Silver Linings Playbook with a friend. There’s something about seeing a movie on a Sunday night that uplifts me. It’s like no Sunday, you will not get the better of me just because your sister (Monday) wants to sneeze in my face. It’s almost as exciting as going out drinking on a Friday night. Makes me feel like I’m starting the week off on an eventful note.

Although this week, I wish I could sleep at the beach all day and read by a warm fire all night.

I’ve been listening to Florence and the Machine all weekend. Her voice gets me like no other, and when her soul speaks, it speaks directly into mine. The song below is her collaboration with Calvin Harris, so it speaks to the pop culture crowd, but the lyrics are exactly where I’m at right now. It’s called ‘Sweet Nothing’. Cause sometimes that’s all people give you, and there’s really nothing sweet about it, which makes this song…well, sweet.

Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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  • Lynne Muro

    Life is not for the weak of heart or spirit! I love your line “Life is beautiful, but I won’t ignore the ugly parts”, because it’s the ugly parts that make you go deep – then you grow and then you learn about who you are and how strong you really are. xoxo

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