November 2, 2014


I see rosaries everywhere. Especially when I am alone in the dark.

I was Halloween costume searching on Thursday by myself after work in downtown LA. Usually Adam comes with me, but this time he had to work late, so I went by myself.

I wasn’t all that scared, since he and I walk all over downtown together, and even with friends I’ve walked the streets at night. But this time, I was alone. Physically at least.

Nothing eventful happened. I walked in and out of Target and H&M like it was nothing, but I couldn’t help but feel my senses move to a heightened sense of awareness as I walked, attuned to every sound and footstep around me, almost expecting something bad to happen with every turn.

Because of what I know about attracting things in the universe, I tried my best to steer clear of these bad thoughts, because I knew the more I thought about them, the more they would come true.

But instead of something bad happening, something special happened. On my way out, I saw a man by a hotdog cart with a gleaming gold rosary around his neck. At first I thought nothing of it, until when I was walking back home, I saw two more men walking by me with rosaries around their necks. I thought to myself, I saw rosaries three times in this one single trip to the store. 

On my way home last night, driving home in the dark, I could see a rosary swinging in the car in front of me. I thought, what is it with these rosaries?

I shouldn’t be surprised. I’ve been doing a lot of spiritual reading and dreaming. The other night when I was driving home from work, feeling my anxiety sort of slowly come on as it usually does, I was listening to Wayne Dyer talk about connecting with the source of all things, the source of the divine. As much as he comforts me, sometimes it’s better for me to listen to soothing music when I drive, with the windows rolled down, so I turned him off so I could do just that. A few minutes later, a car pulled in front of me and the license plate frame read ‘One Source’.

I think ‘one source’ was the name of some car dealership, but I got goosebumps when I saw it because I had just been thinking about the one source where all things come from, and connecting with that source in meditation. I said aloud ‘Okay, okay, I see you.’ I know other dimensions are here with us, sometimes reaching out to us in the most bizarre ways.

Like in rosaries and license plate frames.

I like jotting these down so I can remember that I am not alone, and I know many of you have had these same experiences, especially when you’ve been thinking about something a lot, and it suddenly appears before you in the physical realm.

It’s wonderful to feel comforted by this. Whether or not you believe in God, it’s nice to believe in something higher than yourself. I can’t imagine getting through a single day without some kind of faith, because it’s comforted me so much these past few weeks. I can almost hear angels giggling around me sometimes, as though they are happy that I believe in them again.

On a more down-to-earth note, last week I took a break from pretty much everything, so I didn’t blog or write much. This morning I am itching to do so, like a fix I need so badly I can’t go on with my day without it. I didn’t even exercise last week, and I maybe went one or two days eating healthy.

There was no real excuse for it other than the fact that I just got tired. When I got home from work, I was just tired. I felt run down and my week was still busy with meeting up with people (including doing a lot of research and work for this app my friend and I are building) and prepping for Halloween weekend.

I’m excited to come back to life this week. I don’t blame myself for any of last week’s blah-ness, I just look at it as something that happened and move on. The now is all that matters.

And now I’m going to dig out my rosary from the bottom of a box that’s been sitting under my bed since I moved to downtown, the one that used to hang in my car before I got into my car crash last year. The one that protected me. The one that keeps cropping up when I am alone and afraid. The signs gotta mean something.

Have a lovely Sunday and happy November! Can you feel the wonderful chill in the air? CHRISTMAS IS COMING!


Photo credit: Wikipedia

Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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  • Melissa Field

    I say Hail Mary’s to calm myself down. It really helps me anytime I feel unsupported or stressed out or scared. I repeat it until I feel the love of the Universe come in and it always does.

    • Monique Muro

      It always, always does! I used to have a rosary in my car all the time and just having it close to me when I’m driving comforts me. I usually say the Our Father when I’m feeling scared or afraid, and I always feel the presence of something bigger than me. Thanks for sharing and commenting Melissa!

  • Lynne Muro

    I loved your blog

    • Monique Muro

      Thanks so much Lynne! Your words inspire me too, Wayne Dyer has taught me so much, it’s given me blog content for years :) xo

  • Vashelle

    Agghhh…I love this story. And you are an awesome storyteller, girl. I’m so glad to be following you :)

    • Monique Muro

      You are too, too kind! Thank you so much! It’s comments like yours that totally keep me going :)