May 15, 2013

Courtney Nicole

This post is part of a weekly feature called the Passion Series…enjoy!

All the single ladies! (All the single ladies). This week I am featuring writer and single lady Courtney Nicole from Table For One, a blog she started to maneuver through the ups and downs of singledom.

But Table For One is more than just about being single. Being single sucks (the majority of the time, and I can certainly attest to that), but Courtney’s blog isn’t just a bunch of posts about how she mopes around depressed, or about how the world is out to get her, or that all the good men are snatched up. No, what I like about Courtney’s blog is that it’s about a journey–a journey of self discovery along the way to finding someone to love. Sure she has some painful downs, and some terrific ups, but she takes them as they come–one at a time, like monster-sized vitamins–knowing that life is not solely about finding one thing, or one person, but experiencing a whirlwind of terrifically bad and terrifically good that eventually sets you down in a pink kiddie pool of content.

And even when it doesn’t set you down in a pink kiddie pool of content for very long, you can at least have a margarita before you go.

Has blogging helped you in any emotional or creative way? 

Blogging has drastically helped me both emotionally and creatively. After being abruptly thrown into “The Single Life” I needed a new start.  I needed to figure out the best way to heal from the pain I felt after my breakup, so I started to write.  At first it was just for me, but as I began to heal, I wanted to share my “therapy” with other women. Table 4 One (T4O) has turned into more than stories about my single life; it’s become a written documentary of my journey.

I am so grateful for my words.  As my audience grows, I have been challenged to go further with my posts, to dig deeper, because at this point it’s about more than just me.  I have to think on a broader scale and not so selfishly.  It has definitely challenged and sharpened my writing skills. I am grateful for what “Table 4One” has evolved into…It’s become so much more than stories about “The Single Life”… It’s encouraging, empowering, and thought provoking…

Has blogging daily/weekly helped you achieve any personal goals?

Absolutely! T4O has made me more responsible, more accountable as a writer.  I   know that I am obligated to have the posts available for my readers. Procrastination is NOT an option for a weekly blogger! Because I have several tabs on my site I have to stay on a schedule so that I can keep every portion of the site current.  It is definitely a commitment, but all worthwhile!

Does the ritual of daily/weekly blogging give you motivation to pursue things you are passionate about?

My answer to this question may be a little different from the average blogger: I write about my single life and the ups and downs of it all.  It motivates me to stay hopeful; it motivates me to become my best self so that I will be ready when the right person enters my life. Right now, I am very happy with my life and how Table for One has evolved.  And although I would love for Table 4 One to expand and develop into much more, if it never becomes any more successful than it is right now I am still grateful for its success.  The fact that it has allowed me to “write” myself into a joyful life will FOREVER be enough!


This post is part of a series on bloggers who have found direction or passion through blogging. If you would like to be featured in the Passion Series, please contact me through this form with responses to the above questions, and share your passions. Thanks!

See all Passion Series posts >>

Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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