August 31, 2013

Jon Harrison

This post is part of a weekly feature called the Passion Series…enjoy!

One day, I hope to write blog posts as inspirational, informational, and motivational as Jon Harrison’s. His main goal is to help people succeed, but not just career-wise. His blog encompasses a lot of wonderful bits of wisdom and knowledge on how to be a better person in general, on how to absorb the ‘now’, on how to slow down, how to remember yourself, and become a better business leader.

Right now, Jon is participating in a challenge on his blog on slowing down, something I think we’re all guilty of not doing. I found it inspirational to say the least, and I love reading about new challenges that bloggers are exploring to savor the beautiful gift that is life.

Here’s what he had to say.

Has blogging helped you in any emotional or creative way? 

It was just over two years ago: I was sitting across the table from a friend of mine, eating Chinese take out and sushi for lunch. I was not sure how to answer the question I was just asked. It caught me off guard. In fact, before this moment, I never really stopped to think about having my own personal mission statement. But then it hit me. I did not even need to give it much thought at all: “Helping others succeed.” 

I wondered: did it need to be more specific? Should I focus on who the “others” were? My friend looked at me, smiled, and said:

“That’s pretty good.” 

Since that day, I have given a lot of thought as to how I can best help others succeed. Just this April I finally got around to what I knew in the back of my mind all along: “I’m a blogger. I need a blog of my own.” 

Before starting my blog, I felt stuck. Stuck in a way that is difficult to describe. I spent too much time making excuses, or looking to place blame on situations that prevented me from doing…I don’t know what. 

I am now creating. I am now cultivating. I am now putting energy into something of value, creating value for others and providing ideas, practical application, and life changing stories that can help others succeed.

 Has blogging daily/weekly helped you achieve any personal goals? 

One of my personal goals has been reaching a bigger audience, and doing whatever I can to help others in pursuit of their own passions. The experience has led me to making some great friendships and deepening existing ones. I have encountered a level of personal growth in a world I never knew existed before embarking on this journey. 

I am amazed at the stories I am blessed to have a platform to share. This has led me to the concept of “Life Changers.” I know that all of us have many life changing moments – something happens, we change our thinking or habits – and we are never the same. Look at the power of just one example: that of George Marriner Maull, Artistic Director of the Discovery Orchestra. Imagine the power of collecting these experiences and harnessing the life changing potential every week for an entire year! How might your life be different from when this journey started? 

The process of blogging has also provided the motivation, structure, and creative energy to begin writing a book (several decades before I imagined I would write one, no doubt).

Does the ritual of daily/weekly blogging give you motivation to pursue things you are passionate about? 

One of the best parts about blogging has been the discovery of a new passion. The concept of building a platform to share ideas, and the potential that online communications have to offer in the future is fascinating. I enjoy my self imposed structure of publishing new content on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This passion has allowed me to engage others in developing their own platforms, with my own experience as a guide to getting them started. I explain how easy it can be: only 20 minutes to set up a self hosted WordPress blog. You don’t even need a full weekend for that! This is just one more way that I have been able to live out my own personal mission of “Helping You Succeed.”


This post is part of a series on bloggers who have found direction or passion through blogging. If you would like to be featured in the Passion Series, please contact me through this form with responses to the above questions, and share your passions. Thanks! See all Passion Series posts >> 

Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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