October 8, 2013

Cathy Nerujen

This post is part of a weekly feature called the Passion Series…enjoy!

Quite literally, I feel like Cathy Nerujen takes the words right out of my mouth when it comes to blogging (I’ve italicized my favorite lines for emphasis below). The answers she gives in this great interview are exactly why I created this series in the first place–to spread the joy that is blogging, and to see the wonderful way people have bloomed emotionally, artistically, and even spiritually because of it.


Cathy is a poet at heart, and her love of writing poems is what got her into this wonderful mess. She started out publishing poems on HubPages, and after realizing they were so well-received (she got literally thousands of views/comments), decided to enter the world of blogging and publishing online. And we are all very happy she did. Her blog is a fascinating abundance of resources for writers, and great blog posts. She even went on to collaborate with all sorts of writers to start her own e-zine dedicated solely to the art of writing, and she is awesomely close to publishing her very first book of poetry. Ah, the motivation she inspires in me!


Read and be moved. Here’s what she had to say.


Has blogging helped you in any emotional or creative way?
Blogging has helped me to achieve many things, Monique. Writing and blogging are indistinguishable to me. They let the poetic inner voice come out. Blogging enables my creative side to be more of everything. Seeing my words, and thoughts on the screen is exciting, and when they are spoken or quoted, it is awesome. But seeing them being read and then getting feedback and comments, well that is excitement multiplied. To think that they can enable others to relate, and connect and identify with things… it makes me so glad to be a blogger and a poet. Being a better writer is me becoming a better person. So emotionally and creatively, yes, blogging really helps.


Blogging helps me focus that creative energy, the words, that never ending surge of creativity. A blog lets me express myself in other ways than just writing alone. Blogging is more than writing. It is a continuance of the self. It is an extension of me the writer. Blogging should never stand still. It should always move towards something.


Has blogging daily/weekly helped you achieve any personal goals?  
Oh yes. Working for a publisher is challenging, and wonderful, and I love my work. Being a blogger gives me a whole platform of my own. It becomes me, the publisher. It’s my “Cathy” space for writing, for thoughts, ideas. I put it online and it’s open to the whole world immediately. I can develop things, grow ideas into writing that others can enjoy even more. And it can grow to include the readers more. We can bring others on that journey. Writing can grow to become more than just writing.


I am planning a format for a writing ezine, and blogging still tops my list of rewarding writing endeavours, besides poetry itself. Though the e-magazine takes time to put together, as there are so many people involved – and the ezine won’t come out till the end of the year – I will be so happy to see it come to fruition. I have also planned a poetry book for well over a year now. I recently had my book designed and typeset, and the artwork looks lovely. This is a very personal goal I have harboured since I began writing poetry, and later expanding into editing.


I plan to become a published poet, but in many ways, Monique, I am already. The blog puts me out there in the world. I worked up from HubPages.com to acquire over twenty thousand reads of my poetry, and I have had thousands of great comments. So a blog was the next step. I was energised and inspired by everyone. I set up my blog before tackling the book, and now the ezine. Through blogging, I have learned more about the online writing process, and the online publishing industry, which is an information minefield. Honestly, blogging has opened my eyes to so many things, and blogging connects me to many amazing wonderful people, including you.


Does the ritual of daily/weekly blogging give you motivation to pursue things you are passionate about?  
Yes the ritual is important because writing is a habit and a reflex. If I can’t write, nothing is right or working in my life. If I am not writing, I am miserable. Only Fehl and Cassy can rouse me out of my lethargy, two amazing beautiful friends of mine. I have the discipline to write and the creativity to push ideas and thoughts into action. I take blogging serious, just as I take writing serious. They say blogging is kind of becoming less relevant and yet people like you, and Maria Popova and Bella Andre and Brian Mc Donald – you all have so many interesting things to say. Blogging shows us what we are missing. Books can entertain and enthral us, but words from great bloggers will never lose their relevance. The secret is in what they have to say as writers and bloggers.


Brian has inspired Pixar animators and directors, and helped unblock Oscar winning Director-writers. Maria has confounded bloggers who could not earn without advertising on their blogs, as she has a unique way of blogging. It helps that she is an ardent lover of books. Your blog has shown and proved that a talented writer with a great and likeable writing voice, and amicable, inclusive reflection on life can liberate and empower you to be more. You say the things you say and you bring people to you. Your blog “A Novel Quest” is your journey as a writer, and we get to share it with you, Monique. It is elegant and professional and very you. It’s you who makes it worthwhile. My poetry blog has helped reaffirm my sense of who I am as a woman, it invokes more of the senses, and allows me to connect to more people. People ask me are there downsides to blogging or writing and I am like…”what? Are you kidding?”


Bella is just amazing in every way as a writer and blogger, and has so many bestsellers to her credit. She is a made woman, and yet she pushes outwards even more. New writing and blogging apps like Over Blog and Ghost prove that blogging is still very cool and interesting. WordPress and the other platforms for bloggers have re-invigorated blogging so much. And mobile-friendly is the new way to go. Blogs on an iPad? Yes please.


I feel very motivated as a writer. Poetry to me is akin to medication for my mind and my heart. It connects my feelings to my imagination so much more. I love the power that words have, that they can make things so very possible. They have the power to transform. I think I have known that since I was a girl at school. There is room enough in the world for writers, poets, bloggers, creative people and books to all be around each other, and not have a war going on between them. They do what people do best. They reconcile their differences and they adjust and accommodate for one another. They all have a place here.


I have had help in my journey, from close friends like Fehl and Cassy, both writers and bloggers. And yes, there are others who inspire me a lot. Blogging can be a great community, and it can help to push and to cross boundaries. When you give writing and blogging a purpose, you give more to the world. The world notices and sees it. If it doesn’t, then we just have to share and promote our words a bit more, until it does. It’s at that moment, at that contact that everyone counts their blessings.




This post is part of a series on bloggers who have found direction or passion through blogging. If you would like to be featured in the Passion Series, please contact me through this form with responses to the above questions, and share your passions. Thanks! See all Passion Series posts >>


Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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  • Fehl Dungo

    So happy to read this passion series about Cathy and discovered this amazing website. To love, creativity, and passion – cheers!

    • Monique Muro

      Aw thank you so much for stopping by! I was so lucky to have met Cathy through this series…she is such an inspiration!

  • Cathy Nerujen

    Wow, I left a comment here before but I can’t find it. Hi Fehl and hi Monique. I loved doing this interview. Thank you for having me along and I love your interviews and the Passion series. I find them so interesting and your blog is always a great read, and a great experience. Have a sweet day.
