January 19, 2012


I’m writing a short story about boobs. I didn’t intend for it to be about boobs when I started out, but that’s just what my character started talking about and who was I to put a muzzle on her? Boobs are the most celebrated part of a woman’s body.  There are marathons run in their honor, whole armies of men willing to barter their souls for a peek at the right pair and without them, many a plastic surgeon would go hungry. Why not balance all of the phallic symbols in literature with a little tit?

Here’s my pickle: I find that my writing is sloppy and under-cooked. No longer am I paying attention to making the story sound good with colorful words and gall stone nuggets of wisdom. I’m just writing in black and white and it’s boring me. My problem is I’m not reading enough literature. I’ve been dwelling too long in the subzero icebox that is non-fiction that I’ve forgotten how to describe a scene so it is lukewarm and felt. Furthermore, I’m impatient. I can’t for the life of me dedicate myself to something longer than two pages. Takes too long to cook. I get tired of standing around.

Tonight I stuck it out though, and I think I’m making progress. Sometimes you have to stick it out when the awesome doesn’t bloom because eventually it does and I promise, you won’t be too tired to see it. I reached down deep into the corazon, because that’s where the heat lies, and that’s what makes my stories and poems come alive. It’s where the good is. I pull out things I didn’t know existed until I see them on the screen and when I do I am satisfied, shocked, and a little bit cured.

The story is called Poorly Drawn Circles. It’s two pages deep, and I may or may not add more to it. I’m a flash fiction kind of gal because I am aware that attention span is the scarcest thing on the planet. Or because I get tired of standing around. Either way, since I’ve mentioned it here, I’m more motivated to finish it and get some feedback. Stand by.

Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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