February 23, 2013


Well, I’ve done it again. I’ve successfully created another Mursa Pie, meaning another short video in a hopeful video series, of certain aspects of my life. A ‘slice’ if you will.


This may be a regular thing.


I have probably close to 100-150 videos of random footage of my life stored in my computer. Maybe more. They sit and collect digital dust in my Videos folder, just waiting to be shared with the world. Remember when I told you about how I just felt like being creative and making a video, a couple of posts ago? Well, I made another one. And like I said right before this paragraph, those kind of videos might become a regular thing. They’re so fun to make, and why not make creative use of that build up of comedic shit from the last 2 years?


The thing is, I’ve videotaped a lot of shit. I mean, there are things I’ve videotaped people  doing, that they would never want seen. I mean, nothing too crazy, but more embarrassing than the most embarrassing of things. So let’s just say, I have dirt on you if we’ve met. But for the most part, it’s only been to capture a moment. Any time I go somewhere new, or see something particularly funny, it’s like I have to document it. I don’t know what the hell for. I’ve been a bit better about it these days, though. Like I can finally drive without videotaping the trees.


The name “Mursa Pie”, in case you’re wondering, comes from two things: one, a nickname Adam calls me, Mursa (my last name, Muro, with an -sa at the end), and the last half of “sweetie pie”. I guess instead of calling me “sweetie pie”, Adam decided to call me “Mursa Pie”, and for some reason when I was making these ‘slices’ of my life, I thought, why not let these little videos be like, slices of Mursa Pie?


Plus, when I look back on my life, and these videos, I don’t want to have to sift through all 100-150 of them. I’d rather just watch a few Mursa Pies, and get the gist. Like everyone else. Also, this took me 9 hours to make. An entire today. But I  had so much fun! Let me know if you like.


Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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