October 8, 2014

Life Update

It’s been a long time since I’ve given a ‘life update’, and I’m excited to share it with you now.

Guys, I’ve found direction. I’m so happy.

For the past 4 years now (wow) I’ve been dilly dallying along the river of life, going with the flow, searching for some kind of meaning. I’ve always known what I was good at, and kept an organized list of things I wanted to be when I ‘grew up’.

But I never felt like I was on the right track.

I always felt like something was missing. I had all of these ideas of the kind of person I wanted to be, and the types of things I wanted to accomplish, but no action would ever come of it. My desire to do something ‘great’ with my life wasn’t strong enough to get me moving, the fire wasn’t hot enough. I began to think I would be directionless and drifting for the rest of my life, until I got married, had kids, and stopped pursuing anything but loving and taking care of them. Which is priority in itself.

But I’m happy to say I’ve finally found direction, and I finally feel like I am moving. (Cue Finally Moving song and pop the champagne.)

Something lit a fire under my ass, and it was bloggers. They got me to keep my head on straight. They helped me realize it’s not a race. This has been the one thing preventing me from moving forward with anything–the fact that I thought I’d never have enough time to do everything I wanted, and that I’d never be able to catch up to all of the other people had already accomplished things, or were in the middle of accomplishing things.

I slowed down. I slowed way down.

In my meditations I reminded myself that every single person was given 24 hours in a day, and that I was the one responsible for what happened in that 24 hours. I reminded myself that it was not a race. That it wasn’t about who got the most popular blog the fastest, it was about one small thing you did each day to help you get to where you needed to be. (And to please be okay with this.)

So a couple of weeks ago, I decided to make a list. Or three separate lists rather. (There’s a fabulous blog post about being a listaholic that I read the other day, please do yourself a favor and read it here.)

Now, I have multiple projects going on, and this was always another inhibiting thing, so I made three separate lists for three separate projects that I’m working on. I distinctly heard Marie Forleo’s voice in my head: “It’s okay to be working on multiple things as long as you’re good at managing your time.”

I pictured these three projects as three separate college classes and decided that each night I would have ‘homework’ to do for each of them. No excuses. I was going to work on at least one thing in each ‘subject’ before I went to bed each night during the week. Yes the day was long, working out and eating well were also priorities, and if I wasn’t able to sit down to work until 10pm then I just wasn’t able to sit down to work until 10pm and that was it. I would get shit done. This was my time,  and my life. My responsibility.

So after all that blah, blah, blah, here are my three projects:

1. Side business with a good friend (more on that later)

2. Freelance writing (I’ve been hustling!)

3. Being a better blogger

Aside from the first thing, I’ve been blabbing about those last two things for some time now. But I’m seriously taking action now. I’m taking a freelance writing class on how to find freelance clients, and I’ve already applied to a couple of gigs. Each time I think, there’s no way I have enough writing experience for this but you know what? I do it anyway. I do it anyway because at the end of life, there is no one standing there lighting you on fire for trying to write for clients when you have no previous experience writing in their niche. There is zero fault in making yourself sound AMAZING to get ahead in this life, as long as you believe you can deliver. And when it comes to writing, I swear to you I will deliver.

[Tweet “There is no one at the end of life waiting to light you on fire for trying.”]

The side business thing I can’t talk about just yet, but let’s just say I have a business partner who is also a deliciously good friend. She’s also the most accomplished friend I have (even though she’d never admit it), so I know this is no bullshit. I’m excited to push myself to my limits and break out of my comfort zone to make this business a reality. And it always helps when you have the right person to do it with.

And I’m always and forever trying to become a better blogger. It is the best labor of love. I can’t get enough of learning new things when it comes to blogging. I hope I’m never professional enough to have mastered everything.

So that’s the life update, that’s where I’ve been, and that’s where I’m headed. I already made a list of 3 other blog posts I want to write based on the stuff I just wrote about, so if you’re on a similar path, please don’t hesitate to stay tuned. :)

Have you found direction recently too? Or are you still somewhat drifting? I’d love to hear your thoughts!



Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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  • http://www.ourblendedmarriage.com/ Ana Lynn Amelio

    Sounds like your are on the right path! I’m happy you found direction and know what you want to pursue! Good luck to you in all three ventures, and I will be back to hear more about them.

    • http://anovelquest.com Monique Muro

      Thanks so much Ana! I’ll be slowly but surely living life to the fullest, with each and every breath. Great to see you here on the blog! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  • Julie DenOuden

    I couldn’t agree more with you when you said, “I hope I’m never professional enough to have mastered everything.”…wise wise words! I am a huge fan of lists and use them all of the time to keep my life together!

    • http://anovelquest.com Monique Muro

      I honestly have no idea where I would be without my lists. Scattered everywhere, probably, and getting nothing done! Thanks for stopping by Julie, I am loving all of your social strategy posts! :)

  • Katie Weaver

    As a fellow drifter, and one that is rather tired of drifting at this point, this post resonated on a deep level. I tend to get too obsessive and that is usually followed by unproductive periods of time in which I feel overwhelmed and lacking in creativity, which I know I actually have in abundance! Time to slow down. You’re right, this isn’t a race. Thanks for this! Stumbled upon your blog from SITS. Glad I did!


    • http://anovelquest.com Monique Muro

      Hey Katie! Thanks so much for stopping by. I’m glad to have met you via SITS girls, what a great community they have fostered, I’ve met so many great bloggers like yourself! I think once we step outside of our need for things to be perfect, we allow ourselves the space to think and work more clearly. Especially when we realize that the things we want take time. So grateful you stopped by, have a wonderful day!

  • http://www.modernnotebook.com/ Erin O’Brien

    How exciting! It’s good to hear that you’ve found more direction. From reading your posts over the last year or so, I’d say it’s always been clear that you want to write and be an entrepreneur or sorts. I’m still looking for more direction and work, but I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was in second grade, so I doubt that’s going to change.

    • http://anovelquest.com Monique Muro

      Thanks Erin! I definitely want to blend the writing and entrepreneur together if I can. And I totally hear you on wanting to be a writer since being in second grade….never forget that! I know you’ll find something great, keep at it! :)

  • http://www.ShantiPublishing.com/ Deanna

    What an awesome post. This really hit home with me. I’ve been feeling really stressed out lately and like I don’t have enough time to do what I want to do. Like I’m just doing the ‘busy work’ that brings in some money, but not what I really want cause I don’t have the time. You made me really focus on what it is I am doing and how much time I’m wasting each day. Yes, I agree it is NOT a race, AND this is my life and what I allocate to my 24 hours is my responsibility. I really like the idea of setting daily homework assignments of things to get done toward our life and our goals.
    Thank you for this timely wake up call!

    Keep Writing!