May 14, 2015

I've Missed You

I’ve missed blogging so, so much, but I’m swamped with the writing assignments that I have due by May 30th. I’ll admit, it’s a good problem to have, but when I’m driving home from work with dozens of blog post ideas swarming and slithering around in my head, I’ll admit, it makes me kind of crazy not being able to post them.

I’ve even had some great guest blog posts submitted to me via email, but I’m too busy to put them together. I actually thought guest blog posts would help, and they will, but I find that I’m too busy to even set them up!

Even this post is coming to you in the in-between moments I’ve carved for myself between writing sessions.

Not to worry. There’s no deadline for the things I love.

Ever since I got back from Hawaii there’s been a lot of love everywhere in my life. When I first got back I’ll admit I was in a bit of a funk. I didn’t pick up my laptop for three days, and couldn’t really find the motivation to get back into the swing of my hobbies. Then when I returned to work on Monday, I was feeling really out of sorts. Something just wasn’t sitting right in me and I couldn’t figure out what it was.

I never did figure out what it was, but I was compelled to throw myself into self-development. I picked up the book on my desk that my good friend Laura got me for my birthday. It’s a small one called ‘be happy’. Inside it are little captions and simply drawn pictures on how to live a happier life. It’s a cute, simple book, and that’s perhaps why I love it so much. Every time I get through it, (it’s about 30 little pages), it leaves me feeling comforted, and almost emotional with how beautiful life is.

From there, I went and bought myself some fake flowers and a candle to put on my desk. It’s amazing how much flowers and a candle can lift your spirits and bring so much calm to your days. Ever since I’ve done that, I look forward to going into work and into my office, so I can sit all day next to the beautifully fake tulips, and my perfect, non-scented candle. It reminds me to slow down without saying a thing.

Plus I’ve been listening to a lot of Louise Hay and Robert Holden of Hay House Radio. They actually came out with a book together called Life Loves You, and upon ordering it (for free since I had an Amazon gift card – woo hoo!) they sent me a free audio workshop by Robert Holden (valued at $175). Free, free, free! The best things in life always are, aren’t they? And I truly believe the best things happen to us for the most perfect reasons at the perfect time. I can’t wait to get the book!

And now that I’ve spoken about it, all sorts of ideas are coming to the forefront of my mind that I want to share with you, but it’s a quarter to 7 and I can’t stay long. I just wanted to send a note saying that I miss writing to you, and that I look forward to writing to you again soon. Have a beautiful week!



Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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  • Deanna

    Aw! And I’ve missed YOU!! :) Glad you are home safely. The book sounds interesting I might have to take a look. I’ve been reading one called Letting Go-The Pathway of Surrender by David R. Hawkins. It was recommended by Dr. Wayne Dyer. Good Stuff, good stuff! :)