January 25, 2013


The world?


It’s fucking confusing. I mean it’s perplexing as fuck. (I would say F-bombs end there but I’m not making any promises).


And by that I mean, every day I am continually and consistently being influenced by everything around me, and when I can feel something influencing me, I take a step back and I think hmph. How does this one event I just attended, how does this book I just read, or how does this TED talk I just watched, influence my current perspective of the world?


And I come up blank. I come up confused, because it’s almost too big to wrap my head around. I get frustrated because my brain starts chugging away and bells start whistling and buttons start pushing like it’s some damn factory machine trying to make sense of every single aspect of aforementioned influences. And I hate it.


I find that I’m always trying to re-evaluate how I’m supposed to ‘be’. I watch a TED talk on vulnerability? Maybe I should be more vulnerable. I attend a UCLA mixer and see a ton of students dressed in ties and pencil skirts going on about their entrepreneurial ventures? Maybe I should dress in pencil skirts and talk more about my entrepreneurial ventures. Hell, I see a chick in cute glasses? Maybe I should get some glasses too.


But how about we go ahead and take a page out of Philip Shepherd’s book and eliminate the ‘should’s’ shall we? How about we tap into our own sense of ‘vulnerability’ by just being. Or, as Brene Brown says, by being enough.  Imagine that? Imagine being enough for the world and the people in it. What a chill place to be.


The point of this blog post is not to preach. The point of this post is to say that I am entering a stage in my life, every day that I breathe, where I am learning to let the world perplex me, where I am learning to let the great exhale of the earth wash over me, and forever keep me in a state of awe and confusion, because life is a mystery after all, and we’re not supposed to Sherlock Holmes the shit out of it.


I am going to watch a TED talk, let it influence me, and not worry about how it’s making me feel and how it will alter my perspective somehow on the way I think the world works. I am going to let it move me without any mental calculation. Who am I, but a dust spec, slowly breathing in the dust created by other specs of dust, and mutating into a different dust spec because of it. We’re always in some state of mutation, changing in some form or another based on things that influence us, and tonight, the whole reason I am writing, is because this dust spec has been mutated and influenced by this.


Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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  • Lynne Muro

    Wonderful … You put into words so creatively how I believe most feel but can’t articulate.

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  • http://www.test.com/ BIlly

    You’ve got a great blog here well done congratulations