March 18, 2013

But as you can see, I ain’t even mad.

Apparently the admissions committee decided early, and sent me an email last Friday night letting me know. I didn’t stumble upon that email until Saturday night, and only then because I exhaustedly decided to return some emails after a full day of moving. None the less, I freaked out because my fate was only a button click away. It was so much less dramatic when I found out, than it would have been had it come in the mail.

Either way, they wrote me a  few nice paragraphs basically saying thank you and we considered your application but you didn’t make the cut. Which is both fine and unfair in some complicated way. Rejection is good for the soul, and I’m humbled by it. It builds character, and it makes me work that much harder and (insert other failure cliches here). I have until April 5th until I find out if I got into USC.

And in case you were wondering, yes, I’m still writing the e-book on applying to business school. It doesn’t mean it won’t mean something to future applicants, just because I didn’t get in. It’s not a ‘how-to’ book, after all, and I highly doubt taking a year to apply to business school was the wrong way to go about it. The book is mostly just documenting my experiences in the process, as well as areas where I could have improved were I to do it all over again. In the end, it was probably my low GMAT score, and possibly my lack of professional experience. But you must know, I feel accomplished having applied in the first place, and the end result is sort of anti-climactic and meaningless if you consider the astounding amount of motivation in my chest, stomach, calves, and ribs to succeed the fuck out of this life.

Also, happy belated St. Pats! After spending the morning and afternoon at mass and lunch with my family, I paraded around town with Bailey and another couple we know. I could not believe how much fun I had. We played a killer game of ping pong at the top of the Standard Hotel, a roof top I’ve never actually visited during the day.

I know it was a Sunday and everything, and I gotta say, I wasn’t feeling all that splendid this morning, but I had a terrific amount of blast.

St. Patricks Day

Best of all was the Fat Burger I scarfed down after all this fun. And quite possibly all of the hilarious footage I got on camera, which will definitely be integrated into a Mursa Pie video at  some point, best believe!

What did you do for the Irish drinking holiday?

Until next time folks, let us be reminded that Steven Spielberg got rejected three times from USC’s Film School, and let no god damn rejection email define our worth.

Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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