December 5, 2012

It all started with the KitKat that wasn’t. If you look closely, there’s nothing but pure milk chocolate inside this fun size KitKat, and absolutely no delectable crisp.

One fine day in early November, Bailey opened said KitKat that wasn’t, and was very disappointed about his lack of crisp. He urged me to alert the world. I then reached out to KitKat on Twitter. It took a couple of days, but this was how the conversation played out.

So naturally, I contacted Nestle at the suggested email address with the following.

Subject line: KitKat without the Kit

Hello there,

The other day I opened a KitKat candy, and to my utmost surprise found it did not have any crisp inside of it. I told Twitter, and the company Twitter account recommended that I tell you fine people.

Attached is the picture of my KitKat without crisp. It was not tasty without the crisp, as you might have guessed. You guys are doing great with the crisp. Keep it crispin’.

Thank you and have a great day!

To which they responded (3 days later):

Dear Ms. Muro,

Thank you for contacting Nestlé® Chocolate and Confections.

Kit Kat is not distributed or sold in the United States by Nestlé® USA. Kit Kat is licensed to Hershey’s for sale in the United States. For further assistance, please contact Hershey at or at (800) 468-1714.

We appreciate your interest and hope you will visit our website often for the latest information on our products and promotions.

I forwarded the response to Bailey. To which his response was.

So I contacted Hershey’s then, through this HUGE contact form on their site. I gave them all kinds of information. Most of it didn’t even seem pertinent, like my social security number, but I’m sure they needed it for something.


I can’t recall the day I submitted that contact form. Must have been days after the email, because Bailey harassed me about it a bit. In all honesty I did forget for days.

So I submitted my issue to via their humongous contact form. On November 28th, 2012, I received this:

Dear Monique,

Thank you for contacting us about our KIT KAT Wafer Bar. Although we are sorry to learn of your disappointment, we appreciate you bringing this to our attention.

A great deal of care is used in our manufacturing and packaging processes to make sure that consumers receive quality products. The information you provided was reported to our Quality Assurance Department.

We apologize for the problem you experienced with our product. You will receive reimbursement by postal mail in two weeks.

We appreciate your loyalty as a consumer.

To which my response was–reimbursement? Like what kind? Like a lifetime supply of KitKats? Like a five dollar bill? WHAT KINDA REIMBURSEMENT ARE WE TALKIN’ HERE, AND HOW ARE YOU GONNA SEND IT? (At this point, I did not recall submitting any information).

Until tonight. When I opened up my mailbox, and received this:

To which Bailey’s response was:

He was clearly joking. When I saw that little coupon in my mail box, I couldn’t believe it. I got a BIG TIME chocolate giant like HERSHEY’S to send me a $1 off coupon because I had mentioned dissatisfaction on Twitter?

#mind #blown

It was like mumbling to God how you could really use some new wall art for your room and having a bunch of cool paintings fall into your lap. Like, did I just ask for something and actually get it?

Now, granted, it wasn’t like they sent me a lifetime supply of the stuff, and it wasn’t like we really wanted anything out of it. I think we were just curious as to how far our little crispless KitKat issue would go before it reached a resolution. I am so surprised and in awe of the time that I live in, I probably won’t even spend that little coupon. I might just hold on to it and show the grand kids. To which they’ll probably respond with, what’s a Twitter?

Way to go, Hershey’s. I’m not a huge milk chocolate fan, but you just earned a customer fo’ life.

Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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  • Molly

    I love your blog! Your posts are so entertaining. Just wondering though, why’d you stop writing in third person?

    • Monique

      Hi Molly, thanks for the nice comment! :) I stopped writing in third person because I felt like it was forced. It was fun for a time, but I felt like I couldn’t really say what I wanted to say anymore, because I was stifled by the third-person form. Maybe I’ll switch back to it for a little bit one of these days! :)

  • Beetz

    How could I have missed this! Hilarious and disappointing to say the least. All that trouble for $1.00 coupon! hahaha. This was awesome. 😉