January 13, 2015


I thought I’d write a post today about all the things I started doing (or said I was going to do) in 2013-14 that never happened (or faded out slowly). I used to be ashamed of all of the things I’d start and then stop or never finish, but now I’m just like, why get mad when you can get acceptance.

So I’m confronting the topic head on, and I’ve aggregated a list of things you may have been (or may not have ever been) wondering about.

What happened to your YouTube show?

I loved this show, but my friend who created it wasn’t able to fit it in anymore with his work load. The guy is so talented though, bless his soul, I would partner again with him in an instant!

What happened to interviewing Tyler Knott Gregson?

I couldn’t fit in the time to gather up some good questions, and he intimidates me with all of his awesomeness. I honestly wasn’t sure what to ask him, and didn’t ultimately take the time to do it.

What happened to your blog link-up, What Does This Remind You Of?

I loved that link-up, but I was impatient when it wasn’t getting traction in the beginning, so I cut it loose. However, I might just make it into a once-a-month thing, because I really did enjoy it!

What happened to your ‘having a moment’ series?

This is for the really, really dedicated Novel Quest reader, because I mentioned I was going to start this in passing about a month ago, and after mentioning it realized I didn’t like the titles I came up with for that, or the topics. So there went that.

What happened to your novel?

I think I’ve mentioned that I was putting together a novel/short story collection about 50 times since starting this blog. It’s still sitting on the backburner for a moment in time and space when I have time to work on it. Bug me about it!

What happened to the Twitter account you started for short bits of fiction?

Still there, just haven’t tended to it in awhile….

So there you have it. Bits that I have started, blogged about, and never finished. Guilty as charged. Did you have anything in the past year or so that you said you were going to do but didn’t? Or worse, did you actually blog about it?

Join the club.


Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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  • Kait Marie

    This reminds me of that time I blogged about how I was going to run a half marathon, and it still hasn’t happened… 2 years later. Whoops…

    • http://anovelquest.com Monique Muro

      Right? We are all guilty of these things! I think because we just get so excited about them and blog about them without really fleshing out the process haha. Also, I saw your Facebook message, will definitely get back to you on that, there’s good questions in there! :)

      • Kait Marie

        Thanks, chica!!!! :-) I’m in the midst of a big blog update. Just changed the theme and I’m ADORING it. I need to write some new stuff now and update/spring clean the old stuff to match nicely. Lots of new things happening.

        Also, while it’s kind of lame that some of your on-going projects fail or fall off, I don’t think it’s ever something to be ashamed of. It shows how much blogging passion you have.

        AlsoAlso, how come your youtube series isn’t linked on your Videos page??? I bet your blog readers would want to watch them!

        • http://anovelquest.com Monique Muro

          Thanks so much for the support Kait! And I definitely will take your advice on the videos. I used to have a link to them in my sidebar, but an entire section dedicated to those videos seems like a much better fit! Thanks so much! :)

  • http://thegoodluckknot.weebly.com Melissa Field

    I love all the stuff you try! It takes courage to try stuff, and we focus so often on the fact that we didn’t get the result we anticipated we forget we opened up to something new in our lives. Which is amazing in itself. I have to remind myself all the time – it’s not about the result, but about the fact that I opened all these new channels inside me and in my life. I was just thinking this morning how I was so into energy healing for awhile, like the way people heal with their hands, and then I thought, why did I drop that? I was even considering pursuing it as a career. And then I remembered, it didn’t feel right, I could only imagine getting bored with it and all I could see was that one day I would hate it if I got a certificate and essentially followed it through to completion. But it did lead to my interest in healing myself, and that led me to, years later, create guided meditations, and integrating what I’d learned about energy and a higher self… which means I basically came full circle, I just had to let it unfold and happen in a series of steps. Any you know I’d love more of the “What does this remind you of?” series!

    • http://anovelquest.com Monique Muro

      You’re so right, Melissa. There’s good in having opened ourselves up to try new things, regardless of the outcome. That’s wonderful that your interest in energy healing turned into blogging about creating calm within ourselves through guided meditation. I’m so thankful that you did, because I just love reading your stuff. Do you ever listen to Hay House Radio? That is like the best radio station ever for learning about our higher selves, and loving ourselves wildly. I’m definitely also going to bring that What Does This Remind You Of series back! I put too much pressure on myself to make things instantaneously good, and I have to remember why I started them in the first place. :) Thanks as always for the support!