February 10, 2013

Downtown LA


Sundays are beautiful sometimes. It’s like your ‘peace’ day before the week starts up again. Or mine at least.


Friday night I ended up going out for drinks with some coworkers after work, and then chilling with the BF the rest of that night and all day Saturday. We went to Yardhouse for lunch, chilled on his roof while the sun set, and played a couple games of Rummy-Q. Have you heard of it? I hadn’t before last night. It’s like Dominoes, because you’re playing with tiles, but Gin Rummy.  I lost both games. It was terrible, terrible fun.


I must say the best thing about hanging out with Bailey is it always feels like we’re playing. Kind of like how kids play, splashing water on each other or making weird faces, but adult-style. I can’t describe it, but I’m grateful to be with someone who makes me feel young and free-spirited.


I got home around noon or so, did some laundry, and straightened up my apartment a bit. I got a little reading done too. It’s nice, long days like this that you have to yourself, where you just want to dig into everything you’ve been putting off. Like unpacking dishware you got for Christmas, throwing shit you don’t need in bags to be dropped off at the Goodwill, and organizing your desktop icons, haha.


It’s only in the 4pm hour, so now I’m going to get some writing done for my e-book, and do a bit of research for that web series I mentioned last post. Later I’m going to pour myself a glass of chardonnay and watch the Grammys, while simultaneously tweeting my likes and dislikes. I like being a part of the Twitter conversation with events like this going on. Makes me feel like I’m watching it with a big group of friends I don’t really have. The internet is nothing if not a large group of friends you don’t really have.


Ciao, bellas!
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Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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