May 18, 2014



Sunday night, headphones on, blasting in my ears. My view is of Macy’s on 7th street in downtown LA. I’m filled to the brim with love, beer, and a burger and fries from the Counter. I’m attempting to formulate some kind of game plan for getting back into my side hustles. I want to lovingly tend to them like plants or pets.

The only way to do that is to start by blogging about it. I’ve spent the last couple of weeks in a whirlwind of department stores, searching for the right kind of furniture or household item that would best fit the decor in our apartment. I’ve been watching Kings game after Kings game. I haven’t worked out once. But I’m ready now, to get back into my groove.

I’m working on plans for a major overhaul on the blog. I love the design it currently has, but I want it to look a bit more professional, but at the same time, I want it to really represent me as a person. It’s my corner of the internet, after all. I want to be able to showcase more of my projects, and open up the playing field to some sponsorship opportunities. I want this to be the real deal now. I want to be focused and have a blog editorial calendar that I actually stick to.

I’m starting out by experimenting with Headway, a drag and drop WordPress site design builder. Once I’ve got a design that I  love, I’m going to start offering sponsorship/more guest post opportunities for other bloggers, and start showcasing more creative things. Where am I going to get this freedom to showcase more creative things? Only time will tell, but it’s on my list and in my schedule. Cause you know, it’ll never happen unless you pencil it in.

The fact that I only get pockets of time to work on my projects lately has made me re-think everything I thought I knew about my life. I used to just come home from work and bury myself in side projects until 1 in the morning. Nowadays, I have to consider the fact that I’m in a partnership, and that other things need attending to, aside from burying my head in my laptop. Balance is absolutely key. And I’m exceedingly grateful for the opportunity to have things that interrupt me, because they are loving things, and if I’m on the right path, nothing is going to keep me from doing those things anyway.

A couple of other things I haven’t shared with you, we published the next episode of my YouTube show a couple of weeks ago, and I would love it if you gave it a watch! It’s on the plus side of fear. I’ve posted it below so you don’t have to hop around. We also have another one being published this Tuesday, so subscribe to the Poweranks channel if you want to see it right when it goes live.

I was also lucky enough to be featured on my friend Lauren’s blog, LittleZotz Writing. I got to be part of her amazing series, People I Know, and I was so excited about it after it was published because I am so inspired by her. Her blog provides great advice for writers and I absolutely envy her ability to make a living full time off of her writing. To be featured there was an honor!

I am absolutely pooped from all the gallivanting I did this weekend. There were a lot of family and friend events. I hope yours went terrific as well. The boyfriend has the latest 24 episode taped on the DVR, so I think I’m going to go lye down and watch it. Do you guys watch 24? Or are you on a strict Game of Thrones diet? (I really need to start watching that damn show).

Peace, love, and GO KINGS GO.





Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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  • Lauren R. Tharp

    You were a great interviewee! Thank you again. :)

    • Monique Muro

      You were a great interviewer! Thank YOU Lauren! :)

  • Erin O’Brien

    All these changes sound very exciting! I’m working on being more serious about my blog. It takes more effort than it would seem. Your YouTube videos are awesome, by the way. To answer that last question, neither. I’m into The Mindy Project and Parenthood the most.

    • Monique Muro

      Hey Erin! I know, blogging takes so much effort. It has to be something you are super passionate about. I know that half the things I do to this blog probably wouldn’t get done unless I truly loved doing it. And thanks for the YouTube praise! I’m hoping we will get better at it the more videos we do. And my sister loves the Mindy Project! I need to watch that one 😉 Thanks for stopping by Erin!