January 31, 2013

Blog Business Card

On this very last day of January 2013, my blogger business cards have arrived. I’d hate to call them ‘business cards’ because they just aren’t. They’re more something to give to people when they say, ‘Oh you have a blog? What’s it called?’

I created that little light bulb logo in Paint. In about 2 minutes. I knew I wanted some kind of light bulb there, signifying ‘ideas’, because essentially I have a lot of ideas that I’d like to put to use, and since I’m just starting out with a lot to learn, (an apprentice entrepreneur of sorts), and I haven’t designed any kind of logo for this blog, I thought it sort of suited it (and me) perfectly. Maybe I’ll have someone perfect it down the line, but for now, I like it. Eventually I’ll have to sort of make this blog match up to the design in the card, but that’s my goal when I can either hire a designer, or learn to do it myself. Both of which take far more time than these business cards took to get made. So this is where I’m at for now.

Bailey said he couldn’t tell what it was, but that’s not the point. I’m not advertising it all over the net. It’s just my little thing, my piece, signifying my little place in the world. (Or maybe I’m in denial because I have 250 business cards sitting in front of me. But I think it looks like a goddamn light bulb. And a colorful one at that.)

As for tonight’s post, I’d like to give a little celebratory nod towards January. The first month of 2013 is over, and it was filled with good things. I worked out all of 5 times (maybe not such a good thing), but I applied to business school, so that trumps all. It’s my biggest accomplishment of 2013 so far. Also in January? This blog post marks the 10th blog post of the month–that’s the most blog posts I’ve ever posted in a single month! I mean, ever. Like, of all time. Go ahead, skim the archives. My max before this was eight, and even eight is a lot. That’s twice a week! Well I’ve upped the anty. Now I’ve got something to work towards. My goal for next month is 11, but let’s not get excited. You might get sick of me.

I’m still reading New Self, New World. You know, that book I’ve been reading since November. But I’m really comin’ to the end of that thing. 180 pages left! My goal is to be done with it in 2 weeks. The text is not something to read quickly. The font is sort of small and the book is the size of a small dictionary. 10 pages in, and you’re ready for a nap. But it’s a beautiful book, and I will be sad when it is over.

So to end this month I’d like to say, hey, thanks January. You weren’t so bad to have around. I’ll see you next year, and hopefully we can be in business school together in 2014.

And is that February I see, peeking out from under the bed? I’ll deal with you in the morning.



Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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  • http://littlezotz.com Lauren

    Cute! :)

    The back reminds me of Barney on HIMYM.

    Here’re mine: http://littlezotz.com/2012/05/awaiting-my-business-cards/

    I like them, but I’ve already got my *new* business cards in mind. haha. 😉

    Enjoy the power of “here’s my card” and dramatically walking away. I think you’ll like it!

  • Mom

    Here’s to a great February! Love the **blog card**. :)

  • Lynne Muro

    I absolutely love your lightbulb … in fact, I can see it becoming synonymous with your name … like the Nike swoosh logo.