February 5, 2013

Marilyn Monroe 2


First order of business tonight — blogging! I haven’t blogged in two days if you can believe it, but it’s felt like two weeks, why is that? No clue. And usually I blog after my work for the night is done, but tonight I thought you know what? It’s the 21st century and I’m a free woman in America. I’m going to blog RIGHT after work, instead of the usual 10pm hour. Because I just feel like it.


Today was quite the busy day at work, and that made the time go by fast, which put me in a superior mood. Additionally, the beau and I have worked through our patch, so I am in an ultra superior mood. Last night we made grilled cheeses with a very superior Cuisinart machine (word of the day: superior), drank some wine, and fell asleep watching Tropic Thunder. It was a superior time.


Grilled Cheese Night


Tonight I’ve planned to do a bit more than I will probably get done, including laundry, a quick chat with GoDaddy regarding some questions I have about one of my domains, some work from my coding class, and a bit of reading. And blogging, obviously. Oh! And I also wanted to tell you that I won a BOOK! By my favorite business woman blogger red head, Erika Napoletano. I want to dedicate a whole post to it when the book comes in, so more on that later, but I just wanted to let you know, know, know like I do, do, do.


In other news, ever since the Super Bowl I’ve been highly smitten with that old Independent Woman song by Destiny’s Child. It means so much more to me now than when I was a teenager. It makes me feel like celebrating the fact that I’ve done it, I have achieved independence! I am a free American woman in the 21st century! The only thing I need to feed besides me is a plant. And even that’s only every three days. This ‘being independent’ thing is easy to forget when you’re in the thick of things though. I mean, remember when you had to ask to go anywhere? Hell, to do anything! Life is so different when you’re responsible for the shoes on your feet and the gold in your teeth. (I couldn’t resist. It rhymed.)


I’ve been on my own for a little over two and a half years now, and while this no grand feat, I find myself thanking my 15-year-old self for gritting my teeth and pushing through those despicable teenage years, because being an independent adult is a superior feeling. And sometimes you have to take a few steps away from the internet and realize how fortunate you are. (At least for me. I sold my soul to the internet back in 2009. My life has never been the same.)


Now for my laundry date. Tootles!








Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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