February 10, 2013

Downtown LA


Sundays are beautiful sometimes. It’s like your ‘peace’ day before the week starts up again. Or mine at least.


Friday night I ended up going out for drinks with some coworkers after work, and then chilling with the BF the rest of that night and all day Saturday. We went to Yardhouse for lunch, chilled on his roof while the sun set, and played a couple games of Rummy-Q. Have you heard of it? I hadn’t before last night. It’s like Dominoes, because you’re playing with tiles, but Gin Rummy.  I lost both games. It was terrible, terrible fun.


I must say the best thing about hanging out with Bailey is it always feels like we’re playing. Kind of like how kids play, splashing water on each other or making weird faces, but adult-style. I can’t describe it, but I’m grateful to be with someone who makes me feel young and free-spirited.


I got home around noon or so, did some laundry, and straightened up my apartment a bit. I got a little reading done too. It’s nice, long days like this that you have to yourself, where you just want to dig into everything you’ve been putting off. Like unpacking dishware you got for Christmas, throwing shit you don’t need in bags to be dropped off at the Goodwill, and organizing your desktop icons, haha.


It’s only in the 4pm hour, so now I’m going to get some writing done for my e-book, and do a bit of research for that web series I mentioned last post. Later I’m going to pour myself a glass of chardonnay and watch the Grammys, while simultaneously tweeting my likes and dislikes. I like being a part of the Twitter conversation with events like this going on. Makes me feel like I’m watching it with a big group of friends I don’t really have. The internet is nothing if not a large group of friends you don’t really have.


Ciao, bellas!
Blog Signature

(Videos by VAN. Watching these videos gives me a few cents,
and a few cents are always welcome.)

February 6, 2013



Okay first things first–when you have an idea for something, don’t get too excited.


Breathe. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. And when you realize you have an idea for something that you really want to pursue, but realize you’ve been telling other people for months that you’re going to pursue this other thing, that’s okay too. Sometimes, you tell people something you want to invent because you’re excited about it. But then you think of some other thing you want to pursue instead, and then you’re re-telling everyone, “Okay actually, I’m gonna do this after all.”


Breathe. It’s okay to have a lot of ideas. Maybe don’t share them with everyone until you’ve nailed down the first few steps to execute the one you really want to do, because then you just become a person with a lot of ideas, and no action.


I really don’t want to be one of those people, but I gotta tell ya, I was in the shower tonight and I had an IDEA for something!


I know, this has happened before, but that was an idea I wanted to do with my video blogs, and actually this new idea has to do with video, so it’s in the same ball park. At any rate, I am still really into my video blogging too, but time my friend, TIME!


Here’s the thing, I want to start a web series. I know, everyone wants to start a web series, and there’s currently 7,256,200 web series in existence probably. That’s okay too. I want to start one anyway. After all, people don’t not write books just because there are millions of them out there do they? It’s all about the story you want to tell. In my case, this is going to be a kick ass web series that will help us all. It’s going to be informative, and it’s going to be kick ass. I’d give you a hint, but it might kill the mood. And it might give someone else the opportunity to get it done before me and no.


And also, right now is THE opportune time. I’m really just toolin’ around, taking coding classes and reading a bunch, waiting to hear back from USC and UCLA about whether or not I got into business school. This gives me ample time to have fun making some short, 4-5 minute videos. I’m sort of tired of sitting around, wanting to do stuff, telling myself “Well, Monique you should really work on that one idea you had months ago before you start this new thing” or “Well, Monique why don’t you work on this instead because this might help your future” and yadda, yadda, yadda. That inner voice can be such a pain.


Well you know what, inner voice? I’m leaping out of my head now, and just doing whatever the f*** I want, how’s that. (You see the way I censored my tongue there? I’m turning a new leaf).


So I’ve text messaged a few people because I immediately took to my computer after the shower, dripping all over the place, to type in all the questions I would need answers to in order to start. They’re questions I’d need to ask people who already have web series experience, like my friend Brian. He’s got his own web series up and running and it looks awesome. In fact, it’s called The Series.


So ultimately yeah, true, I have all kinds of ideas (many of which I’ve listed for so many people all the time), but I’m a goddamn entrepreneur in the womb! I’m cookin’! So when I come out, I’ll just execute them one by one and see how shit turns out!


I’m really just yelling at myself here, not anyone in particular. I think that’s been the whole point of this blog all along. Usually when I’m giving advice out to the world, it’s to myself. I need to write and shout things out, you know? Shout, shout, shout to get it out, out, out!


I think for this idea though, I’m not going to take myself seriously and see what happens.


Not serious







February 5, 2013

Marilyn Monroe 2


First order of business tonight — blogging! I haven’t blogged in two days if you can believe it, but it’s felt like two weeks, why is that? No clue. And usually I blog after my work for the night is done, but tonight I thought you know what? It’s the 21st century and I’m a free woman in America. I’m going to blog RIGHT after work, instead of the usual 10pm hour. Because I just feel like it.


Today was quite the busy day at work, and that made the time go by fast, which put me in a superior mood. Additionally, the beau and I have worked through our patch, so I am in an ultra superior mood. Last night we made grilled cheeses with a very superior Cuisinart machine (word of the day: superior), drank some wine, and fell asleep watching Tropic Thunder. It was a superior time.


Grilled Cheese Night


Tonight I’ve planned to do a bit more than I will probably get done, including laundry, a quick chat with GoDaddy regarding some questions I have about one of my domains, some work from my coding class, and a bit of reading. And blogging, obviously. Oh! And I also wanted to tell you that I won a BOOK! By my favorite business woman blogger red head, Erika Napoletano. I want to dedicate a whole post to it when the book comes in, so more on that later, but I just wanted to let you know, know, know like I do, do, do.


In other news, ever since the Super Bowl I’ve been highly smitten with that old Independent Woman song by Destiny’s Child. It means so much more to me now than when I was a teenager. It makes me feel like celebrating the fact that I’ve done it, I have achieved independence! I am a free American woman in the 21st century! The only thing I need to feed besides me is a plant. And even that’s only every three days. This ‘being independent’ thing is easy to forget when you’re in the thick of things though. I mean, remember when you had to ask to go anywhere? Hell, to do anything! Life is so different when you’re responsible for the shoes on your feet and the gold in your teeth. (I couldn’t resist. It rhymed.)


I’ve been on my own for a little over two and a half years now, and while this no grand feat, I find myself thanking my 15-year-old self for gritting my teeth and pushing through those despicable teenage years, because being an independent adult is a superior feeling. And sometimes you have to take a few steps away from the internet and realize how fortunate you are. (At least for me. I sold my soul to the internet back in 2009. My life has never been the same.)


Now for my laundry date. Tootles!








Picture of wine


And I am blogging. I had some plans for the Super Bowl, I did. But they sort of fell through and I am partially relieved. I am not fit for public view this evening, and neither is my liver.


Last night I went to an 80’s themed prom at the Fonda in Hollywood. I couldn’t believe how great of a time I had. It was surprising really. This weekend has been a bit weird because I am feuding with my beau and I miss him. I didn’t expect to have as good a time as I did, but last night was a blast. A band called “The Young Guns” played covers of great 80’s songs live, and the entire dance floor was thumping and grooving to the sound of electric sex. There was plenty of whiskey to go around, and we got to dress up in 80’s prom-style dresses and pretend we were in another time.



Afterwards I made McDonald’s demands, and it came to pass that my girlfriend and I were sharing a 20-piece chicken mcnugget meal and an extra large fry.


This morning I slept until 9:30am, sat up, looked around, and went back to sleep until 1pm. At 1pm I did some more sitting up, made a little food, took a shower, and went back to sleep until 2:30pm. At this point I was ready to do something with my day. So I turned on Weeds, and watched a couple of episodes, while nursing a headache.


I fully intended to watch the Super Bowl. I have been reading articles about the commercials for nearly a month, and I had every intention of watching it all go down. But now that my plans have fallen through, I could care less. After watching Weeds I read for a bit, and wrote 500 words in my e-book. Coffee helped with this. And now that it is approaching 6pm, I’m finally feeling back to my normal self. Meaning I have the energy to stand up, sit down, and focus on stringing sentences together.


This is the result of that sentence stringing. Now I think I will finish my coffee, and type up my favorite quotes from New Self, New World.