June 30, 2011

This is one of those posts that is completely unrelated to my quest to write a novel. However, it does tie in because it is a post that I’m writing instead of actually working on my novel. So I’ll just call it the writer’s dog whistle distraction–something that makes a high pitched noise only writers can hear, and makes them sprint away from their work in all directions.

I went to Vegas this past weekend, and naturally got a little crazy. I was invited to stay at the Aria and see Britney Spears in concert for about $300 bucks–it was an offer I couldn’t refuse, despite the fact that I am not a Spears fan, and really didn’t have $300 to spare.

So we left on a Thursday night, took a few shots, stopped at Sonic on the way and had an all around debaucherous time. When I got back around 11pm on Sunday night I had accumulated about 9 hours of mediocre sleep, and greeted a rather tall alien at the foot of my apartment stairwell. He told me I should get some rest, but liked my tan.

Suffice to say this week my coordination, liver, and spirit have been a little off kilter.  I realized today however, that I am still in Vegas mode, despite the fact that it’s a Wednesday night and my trip has been officially over for three days.

Here’s why:

1. I am living out of my suitcase.

2. I passed a cute guy sitting in front of Starbucks on Monday and said “good morning” with a confidence that can only be attained after 5 beers. (He smiled and returned the greeting.)

3. I was craving a blended margarita at 11am.

4. I threw on a semi-skimpy outfit this morning and realized at the door that it was not proper work attire.

5. I tried to make eye contact with a guy at a red light.

6. I went outside of my building to tan after lunch.

7. I was blasting music and dancing alone in my car like it was full of people.

8. I got drunk on a week night.

9. I was wide awake at 1am, despite the weekend sleep deprivation.

10. I walked into my room after work tonight and briefly thought okay quick change and it’s back to the casino.

“Dude, we don’t remember anything from last night.” Chuckle. “Remember?”

Yes, Galifianakis. That’s about right.


Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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  • Deanna

    Right about now I’m feeling like I’m stalking you. I just started following your blog and realized I wanted more. Then I saw the archive and here I am. :) Love this post! I think I’ve felt like that after pretty much every Vegas trip! LOVE the picture too! I laughed out loud when I saw it! :) Keep up the great writing Monique! :)