December 8, 2011

003I’m watching my little brother tonight, and it only took 3 snapshots to get this picture looking just goofy/adequate enough to put on the interwebz. We also talked about Masters degrees. And balls. But before all that…

Last night I really dug into that MBA book I mentioned a couple of posts ago, and I got some really great feedback. I learned that I am a long way from the application process, longer than I thought, and I need to take a year or so to really stew in my successes before  I attempt something as grand as business school. And when I say “stew in my successes” I mean I need to snag some, and then stew in them like beef.

I want to start developing relationships with not only writers, but innovators. The reason being is because I’m in the process of creating my own digital gadget, and I’d like to surround myself with people who have had success in this field. I need to be more active in the community, as per the grand master MBA plan, and the only way to do it is to find some place to spend my time contributing to things I’m passionate about, and that will help other people.

As you know, one of my greatest epiphanies this year is that I am more passionate about helping people accomplish things, than I am about writing.  Heavy stuff.

In every single one of my pursuits, be it writing, creating a product, or starting up a website, every one of them is targeted ultimately, towards helping people become smarter, healthier, or happier. Not necessarily physically healthier, mind you (I am no weight loss guru) but healthy in the sense that they are sound in mind and spirit. I know that I personally overcome things every day to get to where I am in mind and spirit, and it hasn’t been easy. But I believe it’s possible, and the things I want to do for people might possibly help.

Okay, enough with the Joel Osteen palaver. I’m a writer, is what this comes down to, who has also decided she was  made for more.

But writing is a world of its own, and I’m pretty sure Stephen King and Steve Jobs orbited completely different suns for the larger part of their careers. Where writing is concerned, aside from all this innovative talk, I want to publish short fiction, poetry, and perhaps a novel or two, depending on where my head’s at. A lot of the time, short fiction and poetry do the trick, meaning after I write them I am almost 100% cured of whatever ailed me previously. Writing, as I’ve mentioned before, is therapeutic for me.

But when it comes to applying for business school, what can I say I’ve accomplished in the writing field? I’m not sure. I’m not published, and I’m getting professional experience every day in a field completely unrelated to it. I only know that I want to keep writing, and keep blogging about it, keep trying to connect with other writers to (surprise, surprise) inspire them to get their heads together and write something meaningful. In other words, help them.

I’ll bet you’re wondering were balls enters into all of this?

When I picked up my little brother to watch him tonight, he asked me, “So what work do you have to do tonight?”

I then launched into everything I just wrote about. I told him getting your Master’s degree required balls, it required leadership, community involvement, smarts, and teamwork. I told him I needed to work on my blog, my writing, my goals in life, my FUTURE!

His response?

“I lost you at Master’s degree and balls.”


Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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  • Lynne Muro

    Funny read and entertaining as usual! You have a good comedic rhythm when writing and your funny internal thought hit the paper running. Maybe you should write comedy? Just a thought :0)