October 30, 2013


This post is part of a weekly feature called the Passion Series…enjoy!


Stephanie Crandall makes me laugh, and she makes me think. And she really makes me want to watch TV. She’s a twenty something blogger from Connecticut blogging at Part Time Nerd not only about all things nerdy, but also the struggles of unemployment, which really hit me hard.


I remember what it was like to be fresh out of college and trying to find a ‘good job’. It was pure terror. If I’d have known a thing or two about blogging back then, I definitely would have done what she did and start a series called Adventures in Unemployment, where she dives into the day-to-day of what it’s like to be unemployed. Even though the tone of the series is somber, she had me cracking up about how she ate two whole pies over the span of a few days (just because she was craving pie) and how she finished 8 seasons of one show in a little over a week. I just find that hysterical in all of its awesomeness.


The Passion Series every Wednesday night here is about featuring people who have found their passions through blogging, and I chose to feature this gal tonight because I really feel like she uses her blog in the way that I urge a lot of people to use it as–an outlet for various interests, learning, and creativity. All of which eventually helps you discover things about yourself that may one day lead you to a place where you’re doing something you love for a living.


In this sense, I have this really weird feeling that the devotion Stephanie gives to her blog will pay off for her in some way. She gives great run downs of her favorite TV shows, and she absolutely has an entertaining writing voice. I could totally see her writing for a popular show review website of some sort. And I love her GIFs. That’s a resume bullet point right there, guys.


“Ability to incorporate perfect GIFs between perfect pieces of text.”


I really feel like employers who are looking to hire people should look towards bloggers–it really shows their discipline, writing skills, and capacity for critical thinking.


Here’s what Stephanie had to say.


Has blogging helped you in any emotional or creative way?    

Most definitely, in both ways. Blogging has been there for me through the good and bad. It gives me the push to think harder and longer and push my creativity for new blog posts. It was also nice when I lost my job in March to have a place to talk about it.


Has blogging daily/weekly helped you achieve any personal goals?    

Keeping the blog open has been a huge goal for me. I had tried starting other blogs in the past, but weeks or months in I’d forget about it and just not care. The fact that I’ll be heading into 2 years come December is astounding to me.


Does the ritual of daily/weekly blogging give you motivation to pursue things you are passionate about?   

In some ways. The blogging and vlogging community has given me a boost of motivation to go for my passions. Seeing others able to find what they’re passionate about and make headway to achieve it is amazing. Keeping up with the blog, giving me a routine, is a great start.



This post is part of a series on bloggers who have found direction or passion through blogging. If you would like to be featured in the Passion Series, please contact me through this form with responses to the above questions, and share your passions. Thanks! See all Passion Series posts >>


Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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