April 9, 2013

I don’t think I’ve ever once stuck to a single short-term plan, and I’ve decided they are absolutely useless. It’s going to sound crazy (like I mind at all), but letting the moment move you to do what you think should be done when you’re in the middle of it is really the only way to get anything done around here.

When I leave work, I always map out things in my head that I should do when I get off work. I even make little lists! Finish book review. Write a blog post. Work on e-book. Pitch a site. Work on getting more traffic…and on and bloody on. But when I get home? I check my email. I fart around on Facebook. I end up reading newsletters, getting caught up in random articles, reading other people’s blogs, perusing the goddamn Twitter….and on and bloody ON. There’s absolutely no productivity. None. That’s why I’ve decided, I’m breaking up with planning any damn short term thing. It’s really better for everyone. 

I just got a review written for a book I read ages ago. New Self, New World. Remember that one? Remember how long ago I finished it? I got that book for free and the review has not been done. Do you know how long that one’s been on my little to-do list? Every night since I finished the damn book! And you know what? I just fucking dominated that review. I got home, turned on my computer, and BOOM. Knocked the entire thing out. The moment moved me. I just opened the document, and went. And now it’s done. How did that happen?

I understand it’s not the best way to approach long term situations. You can’t just settle down with five kids and then decide to up and be a jazz singer whenever the moment moves you. But with short term plans, this is how it’s gonna be. I realize now that if I make a single damn list, it intimidates me. I feel pressure and anxiety to finish it, especially because I make them too long, and don’t account for the time I stop to text message, get a little food, etc. I didn’t plan on writing a blog post tonight, yet here I am. The moment moved me, epitome realized, and now I’m happy that I cranked one out.

Do you have trouble sticking to little crap plans too? That shit wears me out, and ain’t nobody got time for that. 


Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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  • http://www.sprinklesofcuriosity.com Debbie

    You are definitely your mother’s daughter. I live on lists that meander in and out of my head 24/7. Keep a list that’s realistic, like maybe 1 thing to do after work :)