December 5, 2011

36145_1350104607442_1676166416_709034_4358258_nI went ahead and lost my driver’s license this weekend, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop driving myself crazy about how much I want to be passionate about something. I’m passionate about writing, sure, but maybe not passionate enough. The more I get wrapped up in my novel the more I realize I just want to go out and meet the people. What that means is,  I want to invent a product or website that helps people, brings them together, in much same way social networking sites do.

Don’t get me wrong, writing is really all I have going for me right now, and when you’re good at something, it’s important that you stick with it. Not to mention, I like it. But I’m having doubts about it, because if I truly were in love with it, I think I would be treating it more like a boyfriend than a chore, which is sort of what it’s been feeling like lately. That’s why I decided to marry it, after all. But I’m worried I may have made a mistake.

The ironic part is, I like writing about writing. I like this blog, and I like fooling around with it. I like connecting with other writers and gauging where they’re at in their work. Lately I almost like blogging than I do spending time with my own writing, which is making me question myself on an almost hourly basis.

Maybe it’s just Sunday, and I’m tired, but I’m feeling unmotivated in every respect to work on my novel. I’m getting the itch to do something else.


Monique Muro

Monique is an exceedingly happy human from LA. She runs the blog A Novel Quest, and writes. A lot.

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